Como Desactivar Start Stop Volkswagen?

Como Desactivar Start Stop Volkswagen
Cómo desactivar el sistema Start & Stop para siempre – En los coches en los que es posible desactivar el Start & Stop para siempre, lo que tenemos que hacer es pulsar el botón con una ‘A rodeada por un círculo’, o bien en otros modelos hay que pulsar sin soltar el botón hasta que en el cuadro de instrumentos se nos avise de que se ha desactivado el sistema de manera definitiva.

En otros, sin embargo, hay que navegar entre las opciones disponibles en el ordenador de a bordo, o en la pantalla del sistema multimedia. En los modelos del grupo Volkswagen hay un sistema que se llama VAG-COM, que es un cable que podemos conectar al vehículo y controlar desde un ordenador portátil.

En realidad, es un cable de diagnóstico con algunos ajustes para la electrónica de vehículos Skoda, SEAT, Volkswagen y Audi. Entre las muchas opciones que tiene, una de ellas es la de desactivar la tecnología Start & Stop de nuestro coche para siempre.

Y hay en otros muchos vehículos en los que desgraciadamente no es posible deshabilitar esta tecnología de manera definitiva. Así que en este tipo de coches nos tenemos que conformar con desactivarlo de forma manual una y otra vez, todas las veces que arranquemos el vehículo. ¿Por qué? Porque, como comentábamos anteriormente, hay coches que no tienen memoria para esta configuración.

🏅 Cómo anular/desactivar el START STOP para SIEMPRE en ● AUDI, SEAT, VOLKSWAGEN, SKODA ● VagCom ●

Es decir, que sí que se puede desactivar, pero cada vez que pongamos el contacto y arranquemos nuestro coche, de nuevo vamos a tener que pulsar el botón para que se deshabilite el sistema de encendido y apagado automático. : ¿Se puede desactivar el Start & Stop del coche para siempre?

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How to deactivate the start-stop feature temporarily in a Volkswagen?

How to deactivate the Auto Start/Stop system on Volkswagen Audi Skoda & Seat vehicles? – 1. To deactivate the start-stop feature temporarily, you can press the start/stop button located in your vehicle, but keep in mind that this feature will be active again on the next engine startup.

This does not work on the latest version of the cars as Volkswagen has disabled the old methods.2. Disconnect voltage sensor. There is another option to disable Start/Stop, by disconnecting the voltage sensor connector from the negative terminal. However, you will get some faults that the car will not be capable of monitoring the battery state.3.

OBDeleven PRO/Ultimate subscription VERSION. If you are an advanced user with experience in car coding, you can use a PRO/Ultimate subscription plan, which allows you to activate the feature via manual programming. You can access vehicle computers, control units, and process required code changes.4.

How do I disable the start-stop system on my videgro?

How did some Volkswagen owners permanently disable start-stop for good? – There are two popular methods Volkswagen owners used to disable their start-stop systems, a cheap Emulator Start-Stop Memory module that requires hardware modification, and a potentially cheaper (if you have the equipment) software fix using a dedicated VCDS/VAG-COM cable.

  • The first method via requires purchasing a dedicated Start-Stop memory module for around $30 that, when installed, “remembers” your last start-stop setting (in this case, off, ) stores it “forever” and, upon ignition, means your Volkswagen will already be off.
  • Although the module listed in that forum is no longer available on eBay, it looks like someone in Poland is still making a similar one.
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Here’s a video of that install. According to, the less risky way to disable the start-stop system is using a dedicated VCDS/VAG-CON cable with the appropriate software. If you don’t have a VCDS/VAG-CON cable, a post on says you can buy an $80 OBDEleven Pro Scan Tool and accomplish the same thing.

“The energy consumption may not be too high (air-conditioning etc.) this is measured by the voltage of the battery; Temperature of the engine not too low;Outside temperature not too high/low;Driving without a trailer (you can also fake a trailer by a dummy trailer plug).”

What these Volkswagen owners did was change the “start/stop battery voltage limit from 7.6 to 12.0.” That’s it. Basically, this tricks their Volkswagens into thinking that 12 volts, measured at the battery, is too low, and, with one condition not met, won’t shut off your engine.

How does automatic start stop work on a car?

What is Auto Start/Stop system? – An automatic start/stop system nowadays is a standard feature in most vehicles. This feature detects when the vehicle is stationary while on the road and stops the engine to save fuel and reduce emissions. The engine restarts again as your press down on the clutch or release the brake.